What Is Love?

The life force within you is pure love, even if, right now, you don’t know it.

with Tommy Rosen

In this episode of In the Circle, we’re going to speak about LOVE! What is love? How can we relate to it? Is there a way to cultivate it or connect with it? 

Love is often confused with excitement, romance, or dependency. Love is not something that depends upon anyone else’s opinion, approval, history, or mindset. Love exists as an energy in the universe. And everyone can tap into true love.

The presence within you, the spirit within you, the life force within you is pure love, even if, right now, you don’t know it.

Love exists as an energy in the universe, and we can tap into it.

– Tommy Rosen, In The Circle Podcast

Tommy discusses:

  • The challenge of self-love in recovery
  • How to overcome the fear of love
  • Frequent misconceptions about what love is
  • Why we must challenge our conventional notions about love
  • The true meaning of love

Addiction is Part of Everyone’s Journey, But Recovery is Not.

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