What Steps Can Parents Take to Support Their Grown Child in Addiction Recovery?

Be a loving supporter in someone's life.

with Tommy Rosen

On this week’s episode of In The Circle, we’re joined by Elaine, who draws our attention to one of the most challenging scenarios in all of addiction: What steps can parents take to support their grown child in addiction recovery?

How do I remain silent when my child continues to make bad choices?  I don’t want to enable them. I don’t know how to support them. What can I do? This inquiry will bring up important questions about how to position oneself to be of maximum use to a person who is struggling with active addiction.

This is one of those inquiries that will resound across the recovery community globally. I don’t know of a family that hasn’t been touched by addiction. This is an extremely relevant and important inquiry as we seek to be better, more skillful, and loving when supporting other people who might be struggling with active addiction.

It’s not your job to fix your child’s addiction.

– Tommy Rosen, In The Circle Podcast

Tommy discusses:

  • It’s not your job to fix your child’s addiction
  • How to support someone in recovery
  • Live your life without suffering
  • The complexity of addiction
  • The Limits of Parental Influence
  • Letting go with love

Don’t miss the Recovery 2.0 Life Beyond Addiction Conference, May 8-12. Hear from 25 voices of wisdom in the recovery space – Learn from the experts, live in the solution. Register today at R20.com/conference2024

Addiction is Part of Everyone’s Journey, But Recovery is Not.

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