How Can I Stop Procrastinating?

Small things done consistently, in strategic places, over time, brings progress.

On this episode of In The Circle, we have an amazing inquiry from Daphne about one of the Four Aggravations—Procrastination. When we procrastinate, we reinforce stress in our bodies and create a less-than-peaceful way to live. We repeat a pattern that perpetuates feelings of discomfort, resulting in new ways to distract ourselves to avoid the ongoing pain. 

Procrastination is what I consider to be one of the most overlooked, addictive, and destructive behaviors, which is why I am so grateful for this question. Together, we’ll explore procrastination, some of its causes, and many ways we can overcome it.

This discussion is for anyone who knows the pain of avoidance and putting off the pursuit of our dreams. Let’s break away from procrastination together, one step at a time.

Small things done consistently, in strategic places, over time, brings progress. 

– Tommy Rosen, In The Circle Podcast

Tommy discusses:

    • How 1 step at a time can help you beat procrastination 
    • Why I made procrastination one of the Four Aggravations
    • Why small things done consistently, bring progress
    • The three D’s: Desire, Direction, Devotion
    • How to free yourself from uncomfortable patterns

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