How Can I Break Free From Negative Thinking?

Cultivate self-awareness and challenge your limiting beliefs

with Tommy Rosen

On this week’s episode of In The Circle, we welcome Stuart, who is celebrating one year of sobriety from long-term cannabis use. Stuart’s success stands as a beacon of hope for those struggling to let go of cannabis, showing that recovery and thriving are possible. 

In this episode, he asks a question many of us can relate to: How Can I Break Free From Negative Thinking Patterns? 

How can we shift from negative thinking to a more realistic and positive outlook? The recovery journey can sometimes feel overwhelming, and it is common to occasionally feel stuck in old thinking and behavior patterns. 

By cultivating self-awareness and challenging those limiting beliefs, we can gradually move from a mindset of negativity to one that embraces possibility. 

It takes effort and intention, but every step forward opens the door to new perspectives and greater mental clarity. 

There’s always a way to break free from the cycle of negativity, and with the right tools and support, you can reshape your mindset toward a more empowering and realistic outlook.

The practice of recovery is awakening into greater and greater skills.

– Tommy Rosen, In The Circle Podcast

Tommy discusses:

  • How to let go of your negative thoughts
  • Why self-awareness can feel overwhelming in early recovery
  • Shifting your thought process in real-time
  • Why missteps along the way are actually opportunities

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Visiting India is a not-to-be-missed experience – especially for anyone interested in spirituality, yoga, meditation, and the exotic. Immerse yourself in the Recovery 2.0 community in an unforgettable, 10-day journey to Rishikesh, India. Learn more and apply: R20.com/india2025

Addiction is Part of Everyone’s Journey, But Recovery is Not.

The Recovery 2.0 Membership is a place where you can explore the topics that interest you, find community, and connect with Tommy Rosen on a personal level. It’s here that we’ll dig into spirituality and union of the mind, body, and spirit, and transform from the inside out. You will learn and grow alongside a community of supportive, conscious, compassionate, and vibrant individuals, like you!

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