Can the 12 steps be beneficial if you don’t have substance use addictions?

Can the 12 steps be helpful for people who experience trauma, depression, or anxiety?

with Tommy Rosen

In this episode of In the Circle, we explore an amazing inquiry about the 12 steps from Amit. He asks: Can the 12 steps be useful for people who do not have substance use addictions?

Can they be helpful for people who experience trauma, depression, or anxiety? 

I credit the 12 steps with saving my life from severe drug addiction. At the same time, I feel the 12 steps are but one possible entry point to a life beyond addiction. 

This thought-provoking inquiry allows us to explore what the 12 steps are, what they are not, and why I believe everyone should take the time to explore what the 12 steps have to offer. 

 The 12 steps are there so that you can serve more effectively.

– Tommy Rosen, In The Circle Podcast

Tommy discusses:

  • Why we follow the 12 steps
  • Are the 12 steps for everyone?
  • How to live a life beyond addiction
  • The first step to recovery
  • How to let go of the past and start anew

Addiction is Part of Everyone’s Journey, But Recovery is Not.

The Recovery 2.0 Membership is a place where you can explore the topics that interest you, find community, and connect with Tommy Rosen on a personal level. It’s here that we’ll dig into spirituality and union of the mind, body, and spirit, and transform from the inside out. You will learn and grow alongside a community of supportive, conscious, compassionate, and vibrant individuals, like you!

Join us at r20.com/welcome to explore how to move beyond addiction and thrive in your life.

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