If We Are to Make True Progress, We Must Move Beyond Our Inner Critic

Welcome to In The Circle. It is always such a blessing to sit and explore with you all. Today, we hear a sharply relevant inquiry to all humankind. Mariana, a member of our Recovery 2.0 community, shares that she has had a direct experience of the positive effects of Kundalini yoga, and yet her inner critic still questions the practice. 

We all have these voices within us that question our evolution and transformation, even when we know that what we are doing is working. 

Everybody wants to learn and grow, and we often experience our own resistance when we seek to change. If we are to make true progress, we will have to find a way to overcome our own resistance and quiet down that inner critic.

The ideas we explore in this episode of In The Circle will hopefully inspire you to continue to push through your doubts and resistance when your personal experience supports doing so. Are there any ways your inner critic has gotten in the way of your forward progress? It is definitely a valuable inquiry for us all.

Unlock the magic and the mystery of your own direct experience.

– Tommy Rosen, In The Circle Podcast

Tommy discusses:

  • How can I overcome the inner critic?
  • Background on Sadhana and Kundalini  
  • Looking at our experience with yoga 
  • Questioning the inner critic 
  • Stepping into the unknown 
  • Yoga as a representation of recovery

Addiction is part of everyone’s journey, but recovery is not.

The Recovery 2.0 Membership is a place where you can explore the topics that interest you, find community, and connect with Tommy Rosen on a personal level. It’s here that we’ll dig into spirituality and union of the mind, body and spirit, and transform from the inside out. You will learn and grow alongside a community of supportive, conscious, compassionate and vibrant individuals, like you!

Join us at r20.com/welcome to explore how to move beyond addiction and thrive in your life.

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