For people in recovery looking for true health and freedom…

The Life Beyond Addiction Program Will Start Your Journey to More Fulfillment, Abundance, & Purpose in Your Life

PLUS Join A Community of Like-Minded People Who Understand
What it Means to Thrive in a Life Beyond Addiction

A letter from Tommy Rosen:

When I was nine years sober off drugs and alcohol, I found myself in a strange situation.

On one hand, I had been truly liberated from drug and alcohol addiction.

On the other, I was in mental and physical pain, was struggling in my relationships, and was very unhappy.

Leaving the same Recovery rooms which had saved my life, I went out into the world, seeking a solution to the life challenges that I was currently facing.

Through the most extraordinary set of circumstances, I would find the teacher and teachings I had been looking for.

Following his expert guidance, wisdom, and example of love, I healed my body, mind, and spirit, and became free.

A few years later, I decided to write the book, Recovery 2.0, to share my story and the teachings which had made such a difference in my life.

This book lays out the path and all the elements necessary for anyone to overcome ALL addiction and to thrive in life.

It’s a unique mix that addresses addiction on all levels – physical, mental, and spiritual.

It shows you how embracing a fuller approach to recovery can open up new paths to personal growth and happiness.

And it has helped hundreds of thousands of people in their recovery, which truly blows my mind.

With “Life Beyond Addiction” I’m taking this one step further by presenting you with the exact prescription and life path that anyone can follow to overcome addiction and thrive in life.

Because I believe recovery should be about thriving, not just surviving.

On this page, you’re going to discover how to truly thrive and be free.

Not only that, but I also want to invite you to become a part of our ever-growing and supportive community of people all over the world who are truly thriving in their lives…

"The Recovery 2.0 Community
literally saved my life."

"I'm the luckiest man in the world
to have found Recovery 2.0."

You are Invited to join our

Recovery 2.0 Community of People WHO

Understand How to Thrive in a Life Beyond Addiction…

Thousands of people have attended my Life Beyond Addiction retreats around the world. 

In our opening circles, I always express the following message to everyone present…

“At the end of our time together, we will all have had a profound experience. 

We will realize that one of the main reasons for our transformation is because of the power of the community itself.

This circle we are sitting in consists of people who have come together to become healthier, happier, and free. 

This is an unbroken chain of power! 

Everybody in this circle wants everybody else in this circle to succeed. 

That is the power and gift of being a part of a community like ours.”

I invite you now to join us in our Recovery 2.0 community.

We welcome you with open arms and look forward to connecting as we all walk our unique paths of recovery and discovery together.

In Addition to Joining This Powerful Community, I Also Invite
You to Take A Step Towards Your Personal and Spiritual
Development Now…


Life Beyond Addiction

The Life Beyond Addiction Course is the first step in a magical journey where you experience first hand the transformation and teachings of Recovery 2.0.

This 90 minute introductory program is an exciting, experiential journey into a whole, new life. 

This is the Express Train to your next level!

You can do the course in a single afternoon and, like so many, you might just find that this will blow your mind and fill your heart.
The point is to thrive, not just survive, in recovery.

This course expands on the teachings in the Recovery 2.0 book and provides you with specific actions to take to feel what is truly possible for you.

 With the course, you’ll also get 14 days of full access to our Recovery 2.0 community.

Together, the course & the community work in harmony, supporting each other.

The course lays out the ‘what’, ‘why’ and ‘how’ of Recovery 2.0.

And the community offers the support, inspiration and love we all need to succeed.

This combination ensures that you’re both intellectually understanding the recovery process, and  effectively living it out in your everyday life.

"Recovery 2.0 offers tranformational guidance for anyone ready and willing to release the chains of addiction."

Gabrielle Bernstein

#1 New York Times Bestselling Author, International Speaker, and Spirit Junkie

Here’s How It Works:

The Frequency
of Addiction

In the first part of the course, you’ll discover:

Break The Pattern: Mind,
Body & Spirit

In part 2 of the course, you’ll learn how to break the pattern of addiction through mind, body, spirit:

Key Concepts for Life
Beyond Addiction

Part 3 invites you to deepen your understanding of the key concepts of Life Beyond Addiction. In this part, you’ll:

The Importance of Community & The Path of Discovery - 14 Days Access To The Recovery 2.0 Membership

Now that the foundation has been laid…

You understand the problem of addiction on a deeper, more profound level…

And you have all the tools and practices you need to get on the path of recovery…

Now, it’s time to start putting everything you’ve learned into practice.

This is where your journey truly begins.

And we do this by giving you access to the coaching and community you need to succeed.

NOTE: After the 14 days end, you will be charged $27 per month for R2.0 membership. But
you will keep the life Beyond Addiction course for life. You can cancel the membership anytime


Who is this For?

Life Beyond Addiction & the Recovery 2.0
community is for you if:

Here’s why that’s important:

The course is all about taking ownership of your personal journey.

It’s built on the belief that lasting change comes from within, and relies on the individual’s commitment to actively engage in their healing process.

That’s what I truly believe is necessary to move beyond addiction and live a life of abundance.

If you’re not willing to take full responsibility and you haven’t already put away the victim mindset, I wish you luck on your journey but this course is not for you.

However, if you are ready to take ownership, then now is the time to take the next step on your path to recovery. 

Let Me Recap


When You Join Life Beyond Addiction

All For Just $49

R.20 Membership will be billed for $27/mo after the 14 days end.
You will keep the Life Beyond Addiction course for life.


Tommy Rosen is the founder of Recovery 2.0, a global organization dedicated to inspire and unite people in recovery from addiction through the practice of yoga and meditation so that they can heal and thrive. 

Tommy is an internationally renowned yoga teacher, meditation instructor and addiction recovery expert with over 30 years of continuous recovery from addiction.

Through his classes, workshops, courses and destination retreats, Tommy has helped thousands of people to overcome their addictions and to be free.

Tommy’s first book, Recovery 2.0: Move Beyond Addiction and Upgrade Your Life, (Hay House) was published to International acclaim and continues to transform the lives of readers across the globe today. His podcast, “In The Circle With Tommy Rosen” has helped hundreds of thousands of people to find freedom and joy in recovery.

You will find Tommy at destination retreats, festivals and online workshops offered by the Recovery 2.0 community and beyond.

R.20 Membership will be billed for $27/mo after the 14 days end.
You will keep the Life Beyond Addiction course for life.


Recovery 2.0 is about finding a sustainable, fulfilling path to recovery that goes beyond just abstaining from addictive behaviors. It’s about integrating practices like yoga, breathwork and meditation into your recovery process to heal not only your body but your mind and spirit as well.

This book is for you if:

  • You want to be free from addiction, truly free
  • You have left the victim mindset behind and are ready to take responsibility for your recovery
  • You are seeking to be empowered in your life and all your relationships
  • You’re looking for inspiration, expert guidance, & education in your recovery journey
  • You find yourself stuck in stress, depression, or anxiety
  • You have tried conventional methods of recovery and now want to build on these to thrive even more in your life
  • You see recovery not as a destination but as a continuous path of self-discovery and self-improvement.
  • You’re looking to create a life of balance and fulfillment beyond the cycle of addiction
  • You work in the field of addiction & recovery and want to further educate yourself and help your patients
Yes, the book is 100% free. I just ask you to cover the $9.99 shipping costs. If you are overseas, this may be more.
While Recovery 2.0 does reference the 12-Step program, it expands upon it, offering a broader, more holistic approach. It’s designed for those looking to complement the 12-Step program with additional practices.
Yes! Recovery 2.0 is written to be applicable to all kinds of addiction, whether it’s substances, behaviors, or thought patterns. In fact, I speak about the ‘Big 6’ addictions and the ‘4 aggravations’. The principles and practices are universal in their approach to healing.
Recovery 2.0 offers a unique blend of traditional recovery principles, personal storytelling, and holistic practices. It’s a fresh take on recovery, emphasizing the importance of addressing mind, body, and spirit together.
Absolutely. Recovery 2.0 presents innovative perspectives and practices not commonly found in traditional recovery literature. It’s a synthesis of my personal experiences and the wisdom I’ve gathered from various fields, offering a fresh approach to holistic recovery.
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