A transformational program designed to help you move beyond blocks, unlock your true potential, and be free.
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As Featured In:
I’m a yoga teacher, life coach, and a person in long-term recovery from addiction. Over the last 30 years, I’ve helped thousands of people reach their physical, emotional, and spiritual goals, and I want to do the same for you.
In my experience as a coach and yoga instructor, I’ve watched countless people try to solve their outer world problems without paying any attention to their inner world…
Yet the very minute they learned how to turn their gaze inward, they were quickly able to bring their life into alignment, unveiling opportunities, and solving problems they’d been struggling with for years.
This is what The 8 Week Awakening Coaching Program will do for you.
This program combines the power of science, spirituality, community, and practice. It will give you the tools you need to discover your purpose, gain momentum, and stay consistent in your recovery and life.
If you follow the simple steps in this program, it is impossible to stay stuck.
You have the power to create the life you desire. This program will show you the way.
Come join me for this life changing experience.
Love and gratitude,
Tommy Rosen
Author, Yoga Teacher, Recovery Expert
and Founder of Recovery 2.0
This program is for you because you want to take your life, recovery, relationships, health, and life to the next level.
The 8 Week Awakening Program is designed to guide you into a better connection with yourself – spiritually, mentally, and physically. This is where finding purpose and achieving fulfillment begins.
If you want to…
… then this program is for you.
It takes time and practice, but with a little guidance, amazing things will happen. The 8 Week Awakening program will show you how to get there.
Each year I offer this program, I hear from people who want to register, but doubt their own ability to take advantage of what the program has to offer. In some cases, they’ve taken courses before that didn’t end well for them. Others report that they start with a head full of steam, but lack the ability to see things through.
I get it. I’ve been there. That’s why The 8 Week Awakening coaching program is designed to help you succeed. Here are a few reasons why:
By the end of this program, you’ll have all the tools you need to:
Are you ready?
Full Program Price: $1497
Early Bird Special: $997
(or 3 Payments of $333)
Each week, you’ll experience a LIVE coaching session that will take you on a deep dive into the week’s subject matter. Every teaching is recorded and added to the portal so you can come back to watch them any time you like.
As a member of The 8 Week Awakening program, you’ll be invited to join our exclusive online Facebook community! This is an incredibly powerful, private forum where you can connect with other program members, get support, find your tribe, ask questions, and get answers.
Throughout The 8 Week Awakening, we will begin each day with morning practice. You’ll learn how to master your morning with new practices in The 8 Week Awakening portal.
Recovery 2.0 therapeutic journaling exercises will take you on an incredible journey of self-discovery. This is an important part of documenting your experience.
The 8 Week Awakening program will give you specific step-by-step actions you can take to practice loving yourself throughout the day. Your weekly Love Missions will include exercises like meditation, spending time in nature, healthy eating, and more.
During your fourth week, you’ll learn how to develop the capacity to remain calm no matter what is going on around you – like the eye of a hurricane, the calm within the storm. You’ll practice meditation, contemplation, and learn to recognize your influence upon the world, not just the way the world influences you.
Full Program Price: $1497
Early Bird Special: $997
(or 3 Payments of $333)
The first coaching class begins on Saturday, December 5th, 2020 at 8:00am PT.
The coaching calls are on Wednesdays at 5:00pm PT and Saturdays at 8:00am PT.
Don’t worry! All sessions will be recorded and posted in The 8 Week Awakening Portal so you can watch or listen again any time you like. Your registration comes with a full year of access to the portal.
We will likely offer The 8 Week Awakening coaching program next year, but it may not have the same structure, pricing, or extent.
Yes! This is the most interactive Recovery 2.0 coaching and teaching that Tommy offers. Your voice will be heard, and you will likely find wisdom and support from other program members as well.
When you register for The 8 Week Awakening coaching program, you will receive one full year of access to the program so you can return to it again and again. Coursework will be done at your own pace.
If you have any trouble logging into the portal or problems with billing, please contact our team at [email protected].
Instructions: Answer the following questions honestly to determine if you may need help quitting cannabis. If you answer "yes" to three or more questions, you may benefit from joining a program like "Free Your Mind: Life Beyond Cannabis."
If you answered "yes" to three or more of these questions, you may be experiencing symptoms of cannabis addiction and should consider seeking professional help or joining a program like "Free Your Mind: Life Beyond Cannabis." Remember, addiction is a treatable condition, and there is no shame in seeking help to overcome it.
The Recovery 2.0 course, “Free Your Mind: Life Beyond Cannabis” is a program designed to help those with Cannabis Dependency to move beyond it and thrive in life.