Why are relationships so difficult for so many people so much of the time?
What is the way to be in right relationship to self, to others and to God or Spirit?
Is there a guide to help us with our words, thoughts and actions within relationships?
Embedded in the time-tested practice and philosophy of yoga is a code that brings us into correct alignment in all our relationships. The code is one part ethics, one part philosophy, one part spirituality and it is accessible to anyone.
Tommy Rosen is a yoga teacher and person in longterm recovery. Having recovered from “a lifetime of relationship challenges”, He and his beloved wife, Kia, have been joyously together for more than two decades.
Tommy writes, lectures and teaches about finding authenticity, sacredness and joy in relationships.
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Instructions: Answer the following questions honestly to determine if you may need help quitting cannabis. If you answer "yes" to three or more questions, you may benefit from joining a program like "Free Your Mind: Life Beyond Cannabis."
If you answered "yes" to three or more of these questions, you may be experiencing symptoms of cannabis addiction and should consider seeking professional help or joining a program like "Free Your Mind: Life Beyond Cannabis." Remember, addiction is a treatable condition, and there is no shame in seeking help to overcome it.
The Recovery 2.0 course, “Free Your Mind: Life Beyond Cannabis” is a program designed to help those with Cannabis Dependency to move beyond it and thrive in life.